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Amy Baldwin

Amy Baldwin headshot
Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UGA/AU Medical Partnership
Director, Humanism in Medicine, Office of Personalized Health and Well-Being

Dr. Baldwin is a Georgia native, UGA graduate (BS Genetics), and a medical educator who is passionate about microbes, women’s health, communication skills, patient-centered healthcare, and interdisciplinary work. She teaches pre-clerkship medical students at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership on the Health Sciences Campus and offers study away programs for UGA students focused on women's health. Her primary research background is in viral oncology, and she continues to participate in various cancer prevention activities at the local, regional, national, and international levels, including the Georgia Cancer Control Consortium’s HPV free workgroup and the International Papillomavirus Society. She participates in the UGA Improv faculty learning community for continued skill development, is a member of the national Medical Improv Collaborative, and provides improv workshops for communication skills improvement.  

Events featuring Amy Baldwin
MLC 214

Dr. Baldwin and Dr. Marks will be sharing information about UGA's Patient Simulation Training Program, including how it reduces bias and encourages a more patient-centered model of care.

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