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Office Manual


All faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants must report absences to the Director. They must also report information about persons who are replacing them during their absence.

Academic Affairs Policy Manual

Academic Honesty
The University of Georgia academic honesty policy can be viewed at:


Department Head: Please contact Dr. Patricia Richards at 2-2846.
Professors: Please contact the individual professors themselves.
Undergraduate Advisor: Please contact Dr. Cecilia Herles at
Graduate Advisor: Please contact Dr. Kelly Happe at

Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure

Authority to Travel Form
Travel money is assigned through Women’s Studies to core faculty. A separate travel authority should be filed with the Business Manager for all travel that will involve Women’s Studies money. In addition to documenting all expenses, faculty members should provide copies of all travel reimbursement materials submitted to the home department to the Business Manager.

An overview of how to use the UGA Financial Management System to submit travel authorizations and travel-related expense reports can be found at this link:


Book Orders
Textbook orders should be placed in a timely manner so that students can receive their books at the beginning of the semester. Usually this means at least a month in advance, although the university book store has its own deadlines for book orders. If a book is out of print, be sure to allow extra time for students to find and purchase copies. You may do your own book orders by calling the University book store or any of the off-campus bookstores. Alternatively, you are free to use course packets (which can be ordered through Bel-Jean or Athens Blueprint and Copy, among other locations) or to use pdf files of your articles. These pdf files can be stored in your eLC site or the library can make them available using its online course reserves.

For instructions on how to order online and to place an order online click on the link. Textbook Ordering Steps

Bulletin Boards
The IWS bulletin board for posting announcements and memos can be found in the hallway of the basement of Gilbert Hall, just outside our offices. Items for posting should be submitted to the Program Coordinator. The Administrative Associate will remove postings that contain an end date and will clear postings, as appropriate, at the end of the semester.


Institute for Women’s Studies: By-Laws
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences: Faculty Senate By-Laws



Academic Calendar
Schedule of Classes
Master Calendar-UGA

Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning provides support for instructional responsibilities at the University of Georgia. They offer services for faculty, administrators, and graduate teaching assistants (TAs) in each of the University's schools and colleges. For more information on teaching resources provided by CTL visit

Faculty and graduate assistants can also obtain services from the Main Library: 

Change of Grade
There are two methods by which an instructor can initiate a change of grade on a student’s record: the online e-Grade Change system in Athena or through a paper change of grade form.

Effective December 22, 2015, instructors may initiate an online change of grade via the e-Grade Change system in Athena for a student in any section from the past three semesters for which they were listed as an instructor of record. Once an e-Grade Change has been initiated, the course Department Head or designated Approver will be electronically notified of the pending change and asked to approve or deny the request. Approved requests will result in the grade being updated in Athena.

For semesters beyond the previous three in which a grade change needs to be processed, instructors must use a paper change of grade form. Completed paper forms must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing.  These forms can be acquired through the Assistant Director in Gilbert Hall, rm. 18. The Instructor should fill the form out completely and give it to the Director for approval. The Director will then forward it to the correct department. Instructors should not send students to pick up these forms for them.

The e-Grade Change application can be accessed in Athena by selecting the “Grade Change (Prior Term)” option.

Please see the Grade Change FAQs for further instructions.

Please contact the Office of the Registrar ( or 706-542-4040) for any change of grade questions.

Class Rolls
Faculty may access their active term class rolls in Athena:

If one of your students has registered for your course on a Pass/Fail basis, this is noted in the Status Column. Likewise, if you have a student who registered for your course as a Audit, this is also noted in the Status Column.

Class Scheduling/Room Assignments/Reservations
Classes are scheduled by the Assistant Director. Campus Reservations assigns classrooms for all Women's Studies courses, except for those using the IWS seminar room. Once Campus Reservations has assigned classrooms, room change requests can be submitted to the Assistant Director. Requests are not guaranteed, but please send requests as soon as possible.

Classroom Visits
You may, at your discretion, schedule appropriate classroom speakers to come to your class. If you schedule a visit from someone who is on campus, they should take campus transportation to your class. Please see the Director for transportation guidance regarding guests coming from off-campus.

The IWS seminiar room is used by many instructors who have different teaching styles and attitudes toward the use of classroom projects and materials. Please be respectful of such differences and refrain from personalizing the room in a way that may not suit the needs of other instructors. Obtain permission from the staff before posting any material on the walls. Remove all class projects from the classroom at the end of the class period in which they are presented.

Computer Assistance
For assistance in the IWS seminiar room, a member of the staff will attempt to assist you if they are available or can solve the problem. If the staff member is unable to assist you, they will contact the IT Specialist or the Center for Teaching and Learning by calling Eric Harris at (706) 542-3456 or

Computer/ Teaching Equipment Request
Laptop computers and other teaching equipment are available for use by instructors. Requests must be made to the Administrative Associate who will consult with the Director regarding priorities in assigning the equipment and the length of time that it can be kept. A written agreement stating who has the equipment and when it will be returned will be kept by the Administrative Associate.

Computer Labs
Computer labs are available at the following locations across the University campus:

Computer Policy
The computers in Gilbert Hall, rm. 15 (the "GTA Office") may only be used by our own faculty and teaching assistants. If you have a guest or some other reason that you need to allow someone to use the computer, especially if you are not there to supervise, please let someone in the office staff know. Students can use the IWS library computers by logging in with their UGA myID, but should be informed that they cannot print material in our space.

In order to use the copier in Women’s Studies, you will need a department ID code. There is no password assigned for the copier. The following instructions should help you with your copying needs:

  1. Enter your Department ID (last four digits of your social security number).
  2. Press the "OK" button on the touchscreen.
  3. The default setting is "black&white," "full size," and "auto paper select."
  4. Enter the number of copies needed using the key pad on the right.
  5. Place the original document either in the top feeder, face-up, or under the lid, face-down.
  6. Push the green "START" button on the key pad on the right to start making your copies.
  7. To make double-sided or stapled copies, etc. press the appropriate buttons on the touchscreen, near the bottom. It is a good idea to make a "SAMPLE COPY" before making all copies to be certain it is correct.
  8. If asking the Administrative Associate to make copies or scanS for you, please give them your department ID code and a timeline of when you need the task completed.

The number of copies allocated to each individual will be announced before the beginning of each new academic year. If you do not know the amount you have been allocated, please see the Administrative Associate. The allocation is based on the course load taught by the Instructor.
If you need assistance with the copier, please ask the Administrative Associate at the front desk or the IWS staff.

Course Banking
For information on course banking click on the following link:

Course Description
WMST Course Descriptions

Course Evaluations
Faculty, Instructors, and Graduate Teaching Assistants must be evaluated by their students in all classes at the end of each semester. All evaluations for Women's Studies are required to be completed online. You'll need to plan ahead to do your evaluations and will need to schedule a computer lab in which to complete them. Please do not tell students to do the evaluations from their home computers because we want to be sure they complete them. We also do not want you to offer your students extra credit for doing their evaluations. The best solution we have come up with is to simply take your students to a reserved lab during a class period. We apologize for any inconvenience. The Assistant Director will send reminder emails at the beginning of each semester and after the Withdrawal Deadline. Remember, evaluations can not be given on final exam day.

Course Syllabus
The University of Georgia course syllabus policy can be viewed at: Course_Syllabus_Policy.pdf

Syllabi from previous and current Women’s Studies courses can be accessed via the UGA Syllabus System.


Departmental Library
The Institute for Women’s Studies library consists of donated books by various individuals. The IWS library is NOT part of the University Libraries system. The IWS library is cataloged using The Library of Congress cataloging system. You may access our library's online catalog here: To learn more about our IWS library and how to use it, visit: There are baskets on the shelves that contain check-out slips that need to be filled out and given to the Administrative Associate at the front desk when individuals want to check out books.

Departmental Parking Pass
For staff and faculty, we have a Departmental Parking Pass (referred to as a DP pass) hangtag that can be used to run brief errands across campus. This tag allows you to park in most lots (it is your responsibility to note exceptions) when used in conjunction with another official UGA parking pass. (Please note that if you do not have another official UGA parking pass at all and you use the DP pass, you will still be ticketed.) This pass is used primarily by the IWS staff, and it therefore must be readily available when it is needed. It is not appropriate to request the DP pass to park near Gilbert Hall while you are teaching or visiting the office. When possible, use the paper parking passes that allow you to park for free in the pay-by-the-hour decks, such as North Deck or Tate Center Deck, to ensure the availability of the DP Pass for others. Ask the Administrative Associate for temporary parking passes. (For information about campus parking, visit:

Direct Deposit
Effective December 2018, all employees will be required to use direct deposit to receive their paychecks. Exceptions will be made for the following:

Federal Work Study Students: Federal Work Study students without direct deposit can receive a paper check. These checks will be issued and printed by Wells Fargo.

Unbankable Employees: Employees without a bank will need to submit a request to UGA Payroll to be exempted from direct deposit. Once approved, they will be paid using a pay card.

Off-Cycle Payroll Payments: If you have been approved to receive payroll funds between pay periods, your funds will be directly deposited into your account.

UGA Faculty and Staff should use OneUSG Connect for viewing direct deposit and accessing pay stubs. Please see the New-Employee Quick Start Guides below for more information.

Faculty Quick Start Guide
Staff-Monthly Quick Start Guide
Staff-Biweekly With Benefits Quick Start Guide
Staff-Biweekly Without Benefits Quick Start Guide
Graduate Assistant Quick Start Guide
Staff-Biweekly Time Entry Quick Start Guide
Viewing My Pay Advice (Bi-weekly)
Viewing My pay Advice (Monthly)

Dispute/Resolution Policy


eLearning Commons
eLearning Commons (eLC) is the centrally supported online learning management system at the University of Georgia, and is jointly supported by Enterprise Information Technology Services and The Center for Teaching and Learning. The IWS eLC new site contains information about our program, instructors and students. There are also teaching resources available on the site. To access the site, go to and log in using your UGA myID and password. Select IWSinfo and then click on the folders and/or pages to access the information. Information available on the site includes scanned articles, teaching loads, evaluation data, committee meeting minutes, etc. If you have problem accessing the site, please contact the Program Coordinator.

Electronic Mail
Most departmental memos, etc. are transmitted electronically. All employees must have a registered confirmed e-mail address and utilize the e-mail service at least once every week. Messages regarding meetings and department related events, seminars, lectures, procedures, etc. will be distributed by email. University Wide: Effective January 16, 2015, all official email communications to UGA faculty and staff from administrative systems, such as payroll, will be sent only to UGAMail addresses. This email policy change is similar to the email policy for students, which also specifies that official email communications will only be sent to UGAMail addresses.

All UGA students, faculty and staff are given a UGAMail account that includes their MyID (

Prior to January 16, 2015, UGA employees could register a preferred email address, if it was not part of UGAMail. The system that maintained employees’ preferred email addresses has been decommissioned. The option to register a preferred email address is no longer available. Employees who had previously registered a preferred email address may check their UGAMail for official email communications. They also have the option to forward their UGAMail to another email address.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact the EITS Help Desk or at 706-542-3106.

Emergency Preparedness
For information on security/emergency procedures visit the Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) website at: This site provides current information on campus and national alert status. It will also provide links to various related University, State and Federal security preparedness information. You may also contact OEP by calling (706) 542-5845.

Employee Exit Questionnaire and Checklists
Every employee that ends their employment with the University of Georgia must complete an exit checklist. The forms should be given to the Administrative Associate. In addition, every benefit-eligible faculty and staff separating from the University will receive an email from the University System, giving them a link to the exit interview site and an access code to enter the site. They will receive the email message within 30 days of their separation dates. The exit interview process is encouraged, but optional.

Employee Exit Checklist for faculty/staff separation
Employee Exit Checklist for faculty/staff transfer
Employee Exit Checklist for student employee separation

Equipment Request
Faculty and staff should make equipment requests to the Director. Equipment requests will be submitted to the college by the department to see if there are funds available to purchase the item out of the college budget. If funds are not available through the college, then the Director will determine if funds are available to purchase the item through the departmental budget.

Express Mail and Package Delivery
New Mandatory Contract for Domestic Express Mail and Package Delivery: The Department of Administrative Services, State Purchasing Office, informed us in June that the subject contract was issued to United Parcel Service, Inc.

It is mandatory for all state agencies to utilize UPS for the following services: standard delivery, premium next day delivery and second day delivery. You are requested to comply with this contract through utilization effective immediately. You may utilize the vendor of your choice for the following types of shipments: oversized shipments, refrigerated shipments, hazardous shipments and any other services not specifically listed as mandatory to UPS.

Extra Compensation Policy
Extra Compensation Payments: In unique circumstances, payments are made to employees in addition to their regular UGA pay. Extra comp payments are taxed at a rate of 25% for Federal tax and 6% for State tax. Some examples of types of Extra Comp payments include monthly extra comp payments, bi-weekly extra comp payments, payments for Consulting Service Agreements between Institutions, and foundation award payments. Please see Extra Compensation Policies below:


Fax Machine
The fax machine is located in the hallway of the main IWS office in Gilbert Hall. The fax machine number is (706) 542-0049. It is available for all faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants to use for University of Georgia business only. For local faxes dial 9 + number (include area code). For long distance faxes obtain prior approval from the Director or Administrative Associate.

Final Exam Policy/Final Instructional Day/Schedule Conflicts
Final Exam Policy:
A final examination schedule is published each semester by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction, and a preliminary copy is available in the Schedule of Classes each term. No time and date departures from the examination schedule should occur without prior approval of the dean of the school or college and the Vice President for Instruction. Similar advance approval also must be obtained to administer standardized, departmental "mass" examinations to groups of students enrolled in the same course. Although there are special courses where a final examination of the regular type may not be appropriate, each student must be provided the opportunity to stand for a final examination as part of the completion of a full instructional term. Each instructor has the authority to design and administer the final examination in whatever manner is appropriate. Additionally, the instructor has the authority to structure the course syllabus and content so that the final examination may be a summative evaluation of the entire term's work or a portion of the term's work.

Final Exam Schedule Conflicts:
Upon the consent of the academic department, the individual faculty instructor has the authority to manage students who have personal conflicts with the final examination schedule. A student with three final examinations scheduled within the same calendar day or two examinations at the same time may petition to reschedule one exam to a different time or day. If one of the conflicting final examinations is a mass exam, then it will be rescheduled. The instructions for rescheduling are located at the following web sites: and

Final Instructional Day:
No tests or quizzes are to be administered on the final instructional day of a course, unless the course has not been assigned a final examination time slot by the University. For purposes of this policy, student presentations to the class in a seminar or graduate course shall not be considered a test or a quiz.

Final Exam Schedule:
The final exam schedule will be distributed by the Office of the Registrar’s each semester. To view the schedule, go to

Five-Year Plan
Old Version
Final Version

Foreign Travel Assistance and Guidelines
The Foreign Travel Assistance Program is offered by the Office of Research. This program provides support for travel to foreign destinations to participate in conferences. Travel to Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. territories outside the contiguous 48 states will be considered for graduate students, postdocs, research professionals and senior research associates. Participation includes activities such as keynote or plenary speeches, organizing committee membership, session facilitator or poster or paper presentations. The support is in the form of funds for round-trip airfare. Currently, the program has a funding rate of approximately 30% due to the funds available for this program and the number of applications received. Applications are reviewed by University of Georgia faculty. Please see the Application Procedures and Documentation section for instructions on applying and submitting to the Foreign Travel Assistance Program.

Faculty members, research professionals, senior research associates, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students in good standing with their degree program are eligible. All Adjunct professors and Non-UGA paid employees are not eligible. Only one individual per group/lab may apply for any given conference. Additionally, individual applicants are limited to a total of two application submissions per fiscal year and one award per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).

The amount of the award will be based on round-trip air fare at the lowest available price between Atlanta and the major international airport nearest the meeting site.

Please click the following link to access the guidelines for Foreign Travel Assistance:

Forms (UGA Administrative Forms)
Please click on the following link to access various UGA administrative forms:

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
The Institute for Women’s Studies operates as a department of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. For information about the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences click on the link: 

Franklin Works Business Services Office (FBSO)


Grades Academic Regulations and Information
For information about grades access the following link:

Graduate Student/Instructor Guidelines
Please click on the link for information: New Personnel Policies for Graduate Students

Graduate School Homepage and Forms
Graduate School homepage can be accessed from the following link: 
Graduate School forms can be accessed here

Graduate Student Travel
Doctoral Student Travel Grants from the Office of Research
Travel grants are available for doctoral students who are at an advanced stage in their graduate program and are presenting results of their dissertation findings. Students wishing support for international travel should contact the graduate coordinator in their home department or in Women’s Studies in order to submit their request to the Office of the Vice President for Research. Students receiving an invitation to present a paper at a professional meeting within North America may submit a travel request to the Graduate School. Contact the department’s graduate coordinator concerning the guidelines applicable to these travel grants. See the Office of Research website. Information on Graduate Student Travel can be viewed here

The Core Faculty Executive Committee will constitute a Grievance Committee as needed, and grievances within the Institute for Women's Studies shall be handled in accordance with the grievance procedures of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and the University's unified grievance procedure.
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences grievance procedures may be viewed at:
The University of Georgia grievance policy can be found here:


Health and Safety Concerns for Faculty and Staff
The policy on reporting or responding to a health or safety concern can be viewed at: Health and Safety Reporting Policy


IT (or FOIT, Franklin Office of Information Technology)
The Franklin College Office of Information Technology supports the instruction, research, and service missions of Franklin College. To submit a ticket to request assistance, get system status updates, access IT self-service, or to contact FOIT, click here:


(Updated Policy due to Building Security - effective 12/1/2012) Keys may be obtained from the Administrative Associate in Gilbert Hall. Keys are only for core faculty teaching the current semester and the staff. Core faculty must be teaching in the building after normal business hours to receive a key. A special request for a key should be made to the Director prior to obtaining a key from the Administrative Associate. Keys will need to be returned at the end of the semester or when the employee is no longer employed by the University or by the Institute. There will be a $3.00 charge for keys that will need to be paid when the key is issued. The $3.00 will be refunded upon return of the key.


Mailing Items
Departmental postage for mailing Women's Studies-work-related items off-campus are available for all faculty, staff, and instructors. Postage can be obtained from the Administrative Associate. Items being mailed to other departments on-campus do not require postage and can be mailed as campus mail. Campus envelopes of various sizes can be found in the cabinets above the mailboxes. Personal items can be mailed if they are already stamped with your own stamps by placing them in the tray labeled Outgoing Mail (to the right of the mailboxes).

Mail Boxes
All Faculty, Staff, Instructors, and Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) have mailboxes in the reception area of the main IWS office in Gilbert Hall. Each box is labeled with an individuals’ name. The top mailboxes are designated for the office staff. All mail is put into the boxes unless they are full or the item is oversized. Any oversized items will be kept on the counter or at the Administrative Associate's desk. Special delivery of videos or course materials are kept at the Administrative Associate's desk until the recipient can come pick it up. Individuals are responsible for checking their mailboxes regularly and in a timely fashion. Staff may call or email a recipient about the arrival of a package. Individuals whose mailboxes are full will be notified to come and pick up their mail. If the individual does not come to retrieve their mail in a timely manner, any incoming mail with be forwarded to them in their home department. Individuals may request that their mail be forwarded to them if they are unable to come pick it up by contacting the Administrative Associate. Individuals who are no longer teaching for the Institute for Women’s Studies or employed by the University will be removed from the mailboxes. Any incoming mail for individuals no longer teaching for the department will be returned to the sender.

Meetings will be scheduled when it is most convenient: typically, at the 12:40 hour when no Women's Studies classes are scheduled. For information on the schedule for committee meetings refer to the Bylaws.


Network Status


Office Hours
All teaching faculty are required to have office hours. Please inform the Assistant Director and Program Coordinator of your teaching schedule and office hours by the end of the first week of each semester.

The Institute for Women's Studies office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm unless otherwise noted. Please note that the Gilbert Hall FMD employees lock the building entrance by the Women's Studies offices at 4pm. You must enter the building via the 1st floor or 2nd floor entrances after 4pm.

Office Staff
Please refer to the directory.

Office Supplies
Basic office supplies such as letterhead stationery, envelopes, pens, and tape may be requested from the Administrative Associate.

Open Records Law


See Departmental Parking Pass and/or Classroom Visits.

Faculty, Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistants are paid on the last working day of each month. Exceptions: December and May's pay will be based upon the end of semester date. There will be 10 checks for the academic year beginning in August. Summer School payroll checks will be distributed at the end of maymester session, the first short session and at the end of the through session/second short session. Important: Effective April 1, 2012, all newly hired or rehired employees are required to enroll in direct deposit within thirty days of being hired and remain enrolled in direct deposit throughout their employment with the University. Also, effective April 1, 2012, all employees with direct deposit will receive their payroll advice/check stub information via the UGA Self Service website at Directions for accessing payroll advice/check stub information may be found at

Posters of any kind may not be affixed to walls in public areas of the IWS offices without prior authorization from the Program Coordinator or Director. Posters may be affixed in individual offices.


Sexual Harassment Policy
The University of Georgia policy on sexual harassment can be viewed at:

Staff Responsibilities
Responsible for all hiring, financial, course scheduling, and major decisions affecting the department as a whole in consultation as appropriate with the Steering Committee. Responsible for supervision of the staff.
Assistant Director:
Serves as undergraduate advisor to all Women's Studies undergraduate majors and minors, teaches three introductory and upper level courses per year in Women's Studies (one per semester, and one in summer), and develops and coordinates internships. Responsible for all Women's Studies course scheduling and classroom assignments and preparation of all course evaluations.
Program Coordinator:
Responsible for the coordination of all special events and lectures, and publicity and marketing for all IWS related events and courses. Provides administrative support for faculty and staff. Responsible for monitoring IWS email account and listservs and for updating and maintaining departmental website. Responsible for managing IWS social media accounts. Responsible for compiling, designing and distributing annual newsletter and other publications, including press releases, brochures, flyers, etc. Responsible for assisting with daily operations of the department and technology. Responsible for mainting list of affiliate faculty, and for serving as first point-of-contact for department. Responsible for the supervision of student employees.
Administrative Associate:
Responsible for clerical and administrative support. Serves as assistant to the Director and the liaison for Women's Studies. Manages the daily operations of the department. Responsible for general office duties (copying, scanning, processing mail, answering phone, assisting visitors, etc.). Responsible for assisting with IWS library maintenance.

Student Withdrawals
Click on the link for information on dealing with student withdrawals:

Students with Disabilities
The University of Georgia policy for students with disabilities can be viewed at:
Student Counseling & Psychological Resources:


Teaching Handbook
Click on the link to for the CTL's resources for Teaching Assistants.

Telephones are located at the reception area desk and in Gilbert Hall, rm. 15 ("the GTA office"). The telephones are designed to call local numbers only. For calling long distance numbers prior approval must be obtained from the Director and Administrative Associate. Long Distance calls must be work-related.

Third Year Review
The third-year review, a formative process, occurs at the end of the third year of appointment for untenured assistant professors, associate professors or professors. If a faculty member comes to the University of Georgia with 2 or 3 years of prior credit towards promotion and/or tenure and requests to be considered for promotion and/or tenure in the third year of appointment at the University of Georgia, preliminary consideration for promotion and/or tenure will replace the third-year review. Faculty members undergoing third-year review will prepare their dossiers in collaboration with the Promotion and Tenure Unit (PTU) Head detailing their achievements and performance in their assigned area(s) of responsibility. The head of the PTU will appoint a faculty committee, in accordance with the appointment unit bylaws, to provide a thorough review of the individual’s dossier. This committee will contain no fewer than three eligible faculty members. The review will be substantive and will provide the faculty member with critical feedback about his/her progress toward promotion and/or tenure at the University of Georgia. The third-year review committee will report its findings to the PTU, and the eligible faculty, including the PTU Head, will vote to recommend whether progress toward promotion and tenure is sufficient. A quorum (two-thirds of the tenured faculty) should be present for this vote. The PTU head is not obligated to reveal his/her vote. The committee will then report its recommendations, along with the vote, to the PTU head. The PTU head will provide the faculty member under review with a written report regarding his/her progress toward promotion and/or tenure. The candidate may reply in writing to the report within 30 days and any reply becomes part of the report. The PTU head’s letter, and any response by the candidate, will be included in the promotion and/or tenure dossier when it is developed.

Please review the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure here:

Travel Regulations and Travel Authority Form
Travel Regulations and the Travel Expense form may be accessed at the following link: To access the authority to travel from go to 


Use of Computers
The University of Georgia policy on the use of computers can be viewed at the following link:


Violence in the Workplace
The University of Georgia policy on violence in the workplace can be viewed at the following link:

Video Library
IWS has a video library made up of gender and women's studies related dvds and vhs tapes. The IWS video library is only available for faculty, instructors and graduate teaching assistants for classroom use. For an updated list of IWS videos, please visit:

Voting Policy
The voting procedures for selection of the Director for Women’s Studies can be viewed here. Appointment procedures for the selection of the Director for Women's Studies can be viewed under Article IV at


Weather Closing Policy
The University of Georgia Inclement Weather Policy can be viewed at:


Support UGA Women's Studies

The Institute of Women's Studies appreciates your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience.

Click here to learn more

Every dollar contributed to the department has a direct impact on our students and faculty.