About this Degree Apply Now Women's and Gender Studies is an emerging field of scholarship that provides interdisciplinary perspectives on women, gender, and sexual orientation. In the past 30 years, scholars in many fields have recovered lost works and have provided new perspectives on the diversity of women's experiences and accomplishments, thereby transforming and expanding traditional curricula. At UGA, women's and gender studies courses are taught by nine faculty members with joint appointments in the Women's and Gender Studies Program and six other departments, and by other faculty from cooperating departments in several schools and colleges. At The University of Georgia, Women’s and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program offering a wide variety of classes both in women’s and gender studies and through cross-listed departments around campus. Majoring in women’s and gender studies can enhance a student’s career preparation by increasing the understanding of social diversity, giving students an international and interdisciplinary perspective, equipping students with critical and analytical skills, and providing a background and understanding of women and the role they play in the public and private sectors. What you will learn The A.B. in Women’s and Gender Studies will allow students to benefit from systematic, in-depth exposure to the new scholarship on women and gender. The major will: Expose students to interdisciplinary perspectives, Enable students to appreciate diversity, Expand international awareness, Equip students with critical and analytical skills, Prepare students for graduate and professional schools, and Provide background for working with women in the public and private sectors. The curriculum calls for courses in a foreign language, statistics and computing, and introductory Women’s and Gender Studies in the freshman and sophomore years, followed by nine courses at the 3000 and 4000 levels. Among the latter are three requirements: Introduction to Feminist Theories, Understanding Research in Women’s and Gender Studies, and a Senior Seminar in Women’s and Gender Studies - or "capstone course." Electives include options for either an internship or a thesis, and study abroad. Many students elect to double-major. For more detailed information, consult the Women’s and Gender Studies Major Handbook. Other Information about Degree or Program Course descriptions Curriculum Employment Information Employers: Possible Employers American/International Red Cross Businesses or Corporations Census Bureau Colleges or Universities Consulting Firms Court Systems Diplomat Embassies Girl Scouts of the USA Government Agencies Jeanette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund Labor Unions Law Firms News Bureaus Newspapers or Magazines North Georgia Cottage Peace Corps Piedmont Rape Crisis Center Political Interest Groups Political Parties Polling Organizations Public Relations Firms Public Service Organizations Project Safe, Inc. Radio / Television Stations Research Organizations SAGA Communications Schools Tennessee School System The Ford Foundation The Holton-Arms School Travel Agencies US Air Force US Department of Education Visitors Bureaus Vistronix Women for Women World Health Organization Worth Magazine Possible Job Titles: Career opportunities for Women’s and Gender studies graduates may include law, women's health, education, counseling, public relations, politics, social policy or business. This might include, but is not limited to, law, women’s and gender studies, psychology, counseling, public administration, medical school, education administration, education, and business. Advertising ManagerAdvocateAnalystAnthropologistArchivistBiographerColumnistCriticCryptanalystEditorEducatorEvent PlannerForeign Services OfficerIntake CoordinatorInternational Relations JournalistLawyerLobbyistMarriage and Family TherapistMediatorOffice ManagerOutreach CoordinatorPolitical ScientistProfessional FundraiserProgram CoordinatorProject ManagerPsychologistPublic Relations RepresentativePublisherRecreation TherapistResearcherSocial WorkerSociologistWebmasterWomen’s AdvocateWriter