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Sachi Shastri

Picture of Sachi Shastri
Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Medical Student (M3) at the Medical College of Georgia
How were you affiliated with IWS?
Women's Studies Major
Tell us about your current work (paid or unpaid!) 
I am currently an M3 at the Medical College of Georgia in Athens. As an M3, I get to rotate in various fields of medicine, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry. They've been super fun so far, and I'm really thankful I get to use this year to explore so many different parts of medicine. It's the one time we get to try on many different hats to figure out which one fits us best. Currently, I've found the most joy in working with children, and I'd like to pursue Child & Adolescent Psychiatry! Not only is it interesting to me, but there is such a deficit of such physicians at the moment. Beginning in the summer, we will get to start applying for residencies, and by March of next year, I'll know where my new home will be for the next 4-5 years!
How has your Women's Studies experience shaped your life and work post-graduation?
Women's studies was by far the best decision I made at UGA, and I recommend it to anyone who asks me what they should do in college. Through this program, I learned to succinctly and passionately fight for what I believe in. I was academically introduced to the societal factors that impact my patients, and it's because of this education that I am well-equipped to talk to my colleagues and patients about how we can provide better care from a holistic perspective. It was in women's studies that I developed a love for advocacy, and I believe that to be an integral part of my job as a physician. In my school, I am an advocate for trauma-informed care and the biopsychosocial model of patient care, concepts that I first learned about in the women's studies classrooms.
What are your favorite memories from your time in Women's Studies at UGA? Courses, professors, events?
I loved Dr. Ray's and Dr. Leimbach's classes!! I miss the discussion-based classes. Also WAGG forever has my heart!
Any advice for current Women's Studies students (graduate or undergraduate)?
Enjoy your time! Being a women's studies major prepares you for the real world in so many ways, so pay attention to the lessons you learn both in your readings and in class. Learn to engage and debate!

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